Baptisms and Weddings
(please scroll down the page for information about weddings)
Jesus gave the commission to:
"go and make disciples of all nations,
baptising them in the name of
the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."
We are always delighted to baptise new Christians, whether as babies or at any age. It is never too late to be baptised and to join in the community of God's Church.
There is no barrier to being baptised, and we welcome the opportunity to hear about individual journeys of faith, and to celebrate with you at your baptism.

Our churches in Darton and Staincross provide venues for your wedding, but with those venues come other benefits that help to make your wedding day everything that you want from it.
A church wedding will add a spiritual dimension to your marriage. The ceremony includes God and looks to him for help and guidance. God’s blessing is the main attraction for many couples, whatever their beliefs.
Having made your wedding vows in church, in the sight of the worshipping community and of God, you have a community around you to support you in your marriage in the years to come.
The priest has a very particular role to play in your wedding. They can blend ancient tradition and modern experience to reflect your story, making your wedding can personal, memorable, meaningful and beautiful.
You can be involved in making choices about your service. We will talk with you about what you want from your day, and how we can make sure the service is perfect for you
For some people, a church simply seems like the proper place to get married. Churches can be described as ‘peaceful’, ‘serene’, or having an atmosphere that makes marrying there a particularly special experience.
And after your wedding, you’ll realise that a church is more than simply a wedding venue. We’ll always be here for you.
Who can get married in Church?
Anyone living in the parish of Darton and Staincross can be married in either one of our churches.
Anyone who wishes to be married in one of our churches, but does not live in the parish, must prove one of the following:
that they are regular worshippers at the church
At least one of the couple wishing to be married must be a member of the church’s electoral roll, which means they must have been worshipping with us for at least six months.
that they have a qualifying connection to the church
Qualifying connections include having been baptised or confirmed in the church, having grown up living in the parish, or having parents or grandparents who were married in the parish.
If you have been previously married, the priest who agrees to conduct your wedding will need to know about the circumstances of the breakdown of your previous marriage before agreeing to marry you in church.
What do I need to do next?
Having read this, you may have other questions, or wish to book one of our churches for your wedding. Please come along to our office half hour at All Saints' Church, Darton, on Tuesday evenings at 7.30 p.m. and speak to one of the clergy. This is an opportunity to discuss all other aspects of your marriage service and make a booking.
If you are unable to attend the office half hour, please contact the vicar to arrange an alternative time to meet.
We welcome all enquiries for Baptisms and Weddings in our two churches.
Please read the information below, and then if you wish to be baptised or married in one of our churches,
please come and see us for one of our services,
visit during our office half hour at All Saints, Darton on Tuesday evening at 7.30,
or contact the vicar for more information.
We welcome all enquiries from couples wishing to be married in our churches, but a marriage service in church is always both a religious and a legal undertaking. The priest who will officiate at your marriage is also the Registrar, and it is important that certain legal requirements are met. Please read the information below, or contact the vicar for a conversation about your plans.