Regular Services
All of our regular services are shown below.
To join the services on Zoom, please click on the link on our home page.
9.00 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
9.00 a.m.
7.00 p.m.
9.00 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
9.00 a.m.
9.30 a.m.
9.00 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
9.00 a.m.
Parish Eucharist
Parish Mass
Morning Prayer
BCP Communion
Morning Prayer
The Eucharist
Morning Prayer
The Mass
Morning Prayer
Café Mass
Morning Prayer
in St John's, Staincross *
in All Saints', Darton, and on Zoom *
* on the fifth Sunday of the month we have a joint service at 10.00.
on Zoom
in All Saints', Darton
in St John's, Staincross
in St John's, Staincross
in All Saints', Darton
in All Saints', Darton
on Zoom
in Darton Parish Hall
on Zoom
Our Worship Explained
Morning Prayer
A said service that lasts for about half an hour
A service of the word, with Psalms, Readings and Prayers
Based on the ancient monastic tradition, but in modern language
Using the Common Worship Daily Prayer of the Church of England
Parish Eucharist - Staincross
A communion service that lasts for about an hour
A said service with hymns
Using the Common Worship Prayers of the Church of England
Tea and coffee are provided after the service
Parish Mass - Darton
A communion service that lasts for about 75 minutes
A sung service at which incense is used
Using the Common Worship Prayers of the Church of England
Tea and coffee are provided after the service
Weekday Mass / Eucharist
A said communion service that lasts for about half an hour
Using the Common Worship Prayers of the Church of England
Café Mass
An informal communion service in the Parish Hall in Darton
We share tea, coffee and toast together
and share in discussion about the day's Bible readings