Raising the Roof on St John's, Staincross

The Church of St John the Evangelist has stood on Greenside since 1897, and in all that time has been served by the same roof. The roof has been repaired any number of times over the years, but sadly is now in a position where it can no longer be repaired, and we have to replace the whole roof.
This is not an easy, or a cheap, job, and to do it properly will cost far more than we can raise ourselves. However, the church has been a focal point of its community for the last 125 years, and we hope that by pulling together to raise the funding required, it will continue to serve in this way for many years to come.​
Details of the work and the fundraising required are shown on this page, and if after reading this, you have any questions, please do contact Fr Tim and talk to him about this project. If you decide that you would like to give anything to help us to achieve this ambitious work, please see the details below for how to do this.

This project will cost a massive
For details of how you can help us raise this, please see below.
If you would like to give to support us in the work we are doing to enable this beautiful church to serve its community into the future, here is how you can donate:
- by cheque, payable to "Staincross PCC"
- directly to our bank account: A/c no. 92597268, Sort Code 40-09-12
(please use reference "Roof Appeal")
Thank you for your support,
and we look forward to welcoming you into our church to show you its new roof.