Our Music
Music at All Saints', Darton
The music at All Saints' is led by our organist and an enthusiastic robed choir.
The choir rehearse from 6.30 until 7.30 on Wednesday evenings and supports our worship on Sunday mornings and for other major festivals.
The choir is always looking for new members, and if you are interested, please contact the Organist or the Vicar for more information.
The choir is accompanied by our small but well proportioned organ, built by John Drake and brought to us from Barnsley Independent Chapel in 1975.
The organ is well maintained and used to accompany our Sunday worship. For more details about the organ, please click here.
Music at St John's, Staincross
The music at St John's is led by our enthusiastic choir which leads our singing on Sundays at on major festivals.
The choir meet to rehearse in church on Tuesday evenings, and are always looking for new members. If you are interested, please contact a churchwarden or the vicar for more information.
We do have an organ at Staincross, but in recent years we have used recorded music in order to maintain the standard of our singing without a regular organist.