Crafty Critters
Crafty Critters
When: Mondays during term time - 13:30 to 15:30
Cost: £1.50 per week
Where: Church Hall to rear of St John's
Come along with your crafts, this can be anything from paper skills to joinery and wood skills. We have people making Airfix aircraft models to others doing knitting and crochet. It is a great way to meet up with others in a safe friendly environment.
If you have no craft skills do not let that stop you either. Simply come along and learn from others here there are plenty of us willing to pass on our skills over a coffee and chat. You are never too old to learn something new and have fun.
Some members of the Crafty Critters are making crafts for this year's church winter fair in November, to sell and help us earn much needed funds for the church hall repairs and the usual bills. Some make crafts for family and friends too.
Crafty Critters is open to all adults in the community so please give us a try.