Re-ordering All Saints' Church, Darton

The Church of All Saints', Darton has been almost unaltered through its five hundred year life. The Victorians added pews and choir stalls, the rood screen has been removed, but the building has stood with little change made to its structure in all this time.
What we are now looking to do is to protect that structure for the next stage of the journey of this beautiful church, while at the same time making some alterations to the interior to enable it to better serve the community it has been at the centre of for so long.
We recognise that if the church is to serve its community today, it needs to have proper access for all regardless of age or physical disability, it needs to have adequate accessible toilet facilities, it needs to have space to welcome social gatherings, and it needs to be open for a greater variety of events than it has ever been before. For this reason we are seeking to make this church a destination for concerts and drama performances, for community groups, and for all who wish to use it to find a welcome and a home.
Details of this scheme are shown on this page, and if, after browsing all that is available, you have any questions, please do contact Fr Tim and talk to him about this project. If you decide that you would like to give anything to help us to achieve this ambitious work, please see the details below for how to do this.

For full details of what we hope to achieve, please click here to watch Fr Tim launch this project during the Mass on the 21st November 2021
For a complete breakdown of all the costs involved in the project, and to see how your money will be spent if you choose to donate, please click here.
This project will cost a massive
For details of how you can help us raise this, please see below.
The success of this project depends on raising the £266,156 required to do the work.
Over the next months we will have various fundraising events,
but for what is coming up that you can get involved in, please see the boxes below.

We are delighted to report our gratitude to the following grant making bodies who have generously supported our cause to date:
- The Leche Trust
- The Pilling Trust
- The South Yorkshire Community Foundation
If you would like to give to support us in the work we are doing to enable this beautiful church to serve its community into the future, here is how you can donate:
- through our JustGiving page, please click here
- by cheque, payable to "PCC of Darton General Account"
- directly to our bank account: A/c no. 02511797, Sort Code 51-61-35
(please use reference "Reordering")
Thank you for your support,
and we look forward to welcoming you into our beautifully reordered church.